



  • 単発のご予約、オフのみのご予約、1本だけ亀裂補修のご予約はお受けしておりません。
  • 当店の理念については、当店のHPをご確認ください。
  • ご予約の際には、LineやInstagramなどのSNSメッセンジャーにて、現在のお爪の状況などを事前にお伺いさせていただきます。
  • 当店では丁寧なヒアリングに基づいて、それぞれのお客様に合った施術をさせていただいております。
  • 現在、既存の顧客さまでご予約枠がほとんど埋まっており、ご新規さまには、ご予約を2ヶ月以上お待ちいただいている状況です。
  • ご新規さまのご予約枠が空き次第、ご来店いただける日時のご相談を受け付けさせていただきます。
  • ネイリストさんやセルフネイラーさんのご予約、技術/接客偵察や市場調査等を目的としたご予約はお受けいたしません。
  • ご新規さまにつきましては、オートクチュールコースor自爪育成コースでのご予約のみ承っております。
  • 完全個室サロンのため、男性のご予約はお受けできません。
  • 当店の衛生管理/及びご入店ガイドラインをご理解いただけるお客様についてのみご予約を承っております。


Requests from our store

Thank you very much for your interest in our salon from among many other salons.

We are a nail salon with the concept of providing highly skilled and sophisticated nails based on careful customer counseling.
Our style is to suggest nails that suit customers' conditions and lifestyles, and to do nails with care.

Since our establishment, we have built relationships of trust with many of our customers, and have been able to build long-lasting relationships with them.

In order to ensure that all of our customers can use our services comfortably, we would appreciate it if new customers would read the following instructions before visiting our salon.

  • We do not accept one-time reservations, reservations only on holidays or weekends, or reservations for the repair of only one crack.
  • Please check our website for our philosophy.
  • When a customer make an appointment, we will ask the customer about the current nail condition in advance via SNS messenger such as Line or Instagram.
  • We provide customized nails based on careful consultations with our customers. Since we have no staff fluent in foreign languages, we only accept reservations for clients who can communicate in Japanese and who are able to respond to our question about nail conditions in Japanese language.
  • Currently, most of our reservations are filled with existing customers, and it will be more than two months before new customers are able to make reservations.
  • We will accept consultations from new customers regarding their reservations as soon as the reservation slots become available.
  • We do not accept reservations from manicurists or self-nailers, nor do we accept reservations for the purpose of technical or customer service reconnaissance or market research. If we find out that a customer has come to our salon for the above purpose, we will only offer clear gel nail (price: from 36,700 yen).
  • New customers can only make reservations for Haute Couture Course or Nurture Your Own Nails Course.
  • We are a private salon and cannot accept reservations from men.
  • We only accept reservations for customers who understand our hygiene and admission guidelines. For more information about our hygiene and admission guidelines, please refer to here.